Governance Committee


MINUTES of a meeting of the Governance Committee held at the Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes on 9 November 2021.



PRESENT  Councillors Nick Bennett (in the Chair), Bob Bowdler, Chris Collier, Rupert Simmons and David Tutt



Councillors Johnny Denis, Carl Maynard, Stephen Shing, Georgia Taylor and John Ungar




28.         Minutes of the meeting held on 30  September 2021


28.1     RESOLVED – that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 30 September 2021 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




29.         Apologies for absence


29.1     Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Glazier. It was noted that Councillor Bowdler was substituting for him.




30.         Reports


30.1     Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.




31.         Non Attendance at Meetings


31.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive on the non attendance of a councillor at meetings.


31.2     The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the County Council approve the reason for Councillor Pragnell’s non-attendance and grant a dispensation for Councillor Pragnell from attending meetings of the Council to allow Councillor Pragnell to remain qualified until such time as he is recovered and is able to attend a meeting of the Council




32.         Vacation of Office - Failure to attend Meetings


32.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive regarding a proposal to delegate authority to the Committee to grant dispensations to councillors in relation to non attendance at meetings of the authority.


32.2     The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the County Council to:


1)            delegate authority to the Governance Committee to agree reasons for councillor non attendance at meetings and grant dispensation from the requirement for councillors to attend at meetings of the Council to allow them to remain qualified until such time as they are able to attend a meeting of the Council; and


2)         agree to the Constitution being amended accordingly.

